Tuesday, November 30, 2010


More people around me feel stressed, agitated and impatient.
You feel that the things you do are not enough, incomplete or unsatisfactory.
The belief that it is wrong or that others might think it is wrong start to penetrate in.
The list of things to do just grows and the end of the day doesn’t show much achievement.
The harder you try to be firm with yourself the worse it gets.

After all it is normal to feel all kinds of feelings and to experience all different moods.
You achieve so much without realising it, you perform as a partner, a parent, a friend and at work. 
 “Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.
  You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars (Desiderata)

It is OK to be you, it is OK to not live to your expectations sometimes.
You can understand and people will understand.
And if you don’t understand it is also OK, just take it easy.
Tomorrow is a new day, a new beginning.
You are very special person, remember this. 
Have a wonderful day.


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