Tuesday, November 30, 2010


More people around me feel stressed, agitated and impatient.
You feel that the things you do are not enough, incomplete or unsatisfactory.
The belief that it is wrong or that others might think it is wrong start to penetrate in.
The list of things to do just grows and the end of the day doesn’t show much achievement.
The harder you try to be firm with yourself the worse it gets.

After all it is normal to feel all kinds of feelings and to experience all different moods.
You achieve so much without realising it, you perform as a partner, a parent, a friend and at work. 
 “Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.
  You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars (Desiderata)

It is OK to be you, it is OK to not live to your expectations sometimes.
You can understand and people will understand.
And if you don’t understand it is also OK, just take it easy.
Tomorrow is a new day, a new beginning.
You are very special person, remember this. 
Have a wonderful day.


Friday, November 26, 2010

A Little Angel

Just across the hall of our living complex
lives a small cheerful and lovely old lady.
Whether she has family of her own
I really don’t know.

To add life to the otherwise just a corridor,
the lady put a small table outside her door.
She makes the effort to decorate it
and every now and then she also changes the look of it.

To complete the eye catching show,
she makes sure people stop,
by spreading the table with sweets
to be tasted by both adults and kids.

It is hard to walk by and not to come to a halt,
to admire the display,
and for those who can’t resist,
to sample the small gifts.

This is our little angel of block  

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Lost in Words

A Book Shop is a door for reality and imagination, for laughter and sadness, good and sad,fiction or not.  You can enter into a book shop and forget yourself, leave behind your life even if for a short time and immerse yourself with anything the your heart and mind desires.

I visited “Borders” in Rapid City last weekend, the shop is big with many points of interest and sitting areas to read books, the coffee shop is small and pleasant, I enjoyed moving between the aisles, looking at different books, pulling them from their shelves and reading their description.  I then looked at books about different artists such as Dali, I was captivated with the rich paintings and his talent, I moved to look at water painting book, books about band and more.  I even looked at small children’s books and thought what similarities these books today have to the books I had when I was a child.
Reading books is far more fulfilling than watching movies, the books are richer in details and expression of feeling and characters but also they leave a room for imagination, the reader becomes the director and chose the cast , let his/her own imagination to build and envisage the look of the characters and the scenes.  In a movie a director and an editor made it for you – good idea for the lazy mind.

I spend over 2 hrs enjoying myself and promising to return as soon as can.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Chaos in The Mind

Bright morning, light headache, 
the night before, the day ahead, 
a woman, a lover, 
the picture, the image. 

A distance away, a man, 
a friend and lover, 
watching her, missing her, 

Saying good night, closing his eyes, 
the day was long, the night is lonely, 
the bed is wide, the bed is deserted, 
who will appear, what will he dream?
And he dreamt and they were mixed dreams
of love and war, 
and he woke up pleased to be living in this world. 
And he thought about the one he is missing most of all 
far across the world.    

Monday, November 8, 2010

Time Capsule

Having gone away on a business trip to the USA for what I thought to be 10 days turned out to be six weeks and the end is not in sight.  Some may enjoy the “ride”, the beautiful country sights and American people but after so much travel in the last few years I miss home, London is my home; the people, my friend and family, Battersea Park, the Thames, the busy streets, the traffic jams, the beautiful buildings and the ugly too.  ..

Being here, I feel as I live in a time capsule, life as I know it stands still, all my social life is back home, the present moves forward but without me to follow.

I can’t count down the minutes as I don’t know when I am coming back home, so I spend my time writing a blog, trying to share my void