Monday, February 13, 2012

Serenade for The Special One

Serenade for The Special One

How many times have I stood under your balcony
How many time did I want to climb up to you
To take to into my arms and carry you into my life
To love, to share and cherish every second with you.

You are the brightest star in the sky
The shining rays that warm my heart
Like a meteor you crashed into my life
Creating a crater that reshaped my heart

You brought me joy and shown me love
I breathe you in like a fresh breeze
Beautiful and scented as a flowering spring meadow
Ecstasy in the making, oozing life and happiness

You may never understood why
I love you ever so much my butterfly
To hold you and be held by you
To love you and be loved by you

To feed you love with poems and touch
Two Lovers born Four Love
The love of and for each other
For eternity to last

I will give you the moon and the stars
if you want and can believe it
I pledge you my Love, I offer you my heart
Forever to keep until death do us apart

Saturday, January 21, 2012



A mile stone in one’s life
Whether you like it or not
Another year had gone
And up you grown

From the young smiling baby
Through childhood climbing trees
To the all hearted laughter 
Of a real beauty not often seen

I send you my best wishes
For a wonderful future
Of happiness and Joy
Without losing your soul

The Special one woman
To hold you tight in my arms
And open my eyes to your beautiful face
Wishing for ever you I could embrace

In living with the loved one
Every BIRTH of a DAY is a BIRTHDAY
For the rest of my life to celebrate
And with you to be associate


Friday, January 13, 2012



I have a compass in me
The kind that lights my path
On a long and colourful trail;
The road of my life.

But something went wonderfully wrong
I fallen in love 
The needle pointed to one direction
Her direction no other one.

I dived in head first
I was intoxicated beyond belief
The happiest man in the world
Until one day I woke up in the cold

 I looked for an answer
For my magnetic north
To a firm course
In my wild world

Trying to get my compass to work
I changed continents, crossed oceans and seas
Shut my eyes and imagined other things
But the needle kept pointing to The Special One indeed

Will my compass ever point elsewhere?
Will my heart ever be mend?
One thing for sure
I would have done it once again if I could  

Monday, January 9, 2012

Lost Artichoke


I first saw the flowers

How many beautiful flowers have I seen before?

How many times has my heart skipped a beat?

Is this the one I was looking for?


I knew that the flower is only the outer beauty

That I have to look inside

To the core below

To the hidden treasure


“The desired heart”

The one surrounded by so many leaves;

To protect, to keep for the special one

For an ever lasting joy


With every leaf peeled

Came the taste of it

Do I continue to taste or leave it

The ever going excitement to reach the heart


The tasting took long

The longer I went on

The better I saw the becoming naked Artichoke

Stars in my eyes or broken heart


The moment of truth

The prize is here to see and eat

In all its glory its here for me

It must be real it must be it


I blinked for a second

Savouring my prize, my joy

I blinked for a second

And it was gone… 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011




The touch of hands
The play of fingers
The stroke of the leg
The rush of the blood in all directions

The fingers go out in dance
A wild dance, hungry for the touch
Eager to feel, to explore
All entangle and come apart

A gentle stoke on a beautiful leg
The eyes trailing behind
The heart beats fast
Falling into the abyss of joy

Can this dance last for a life time?
Will the finger fuse forever?
Would the mind and heart follow too?

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


More people around me feel stressed, agitated and impatient.
You feel that the things you do are not enough, incomplete or unsatisfactory.
The belief that it is wrong or that others might think it is wrong start to penetrate in.
The list of things to do just grows and the end of the day doesn’t show much achievement.
The harder you try to be firm with yourself the worse it gets.

After all it is normal to feel all kinds of feelings and to experience all different moods.
You achieve so much without realising it, you perform as a partner, a parent, a friend and at work. 
 “Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.
  You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars (Desiderata)

It is OK to be you, it is OK to not live to your expectations sometimes.
You can understand and people will understand.
And if you don’t understand it is also OK, just take it easy.
Tomorrow is a new day, a new beginning.
You are very special person, remember this. 
Have a wonderful day.