Friday, January 13, 2012



I have a compass in me
The kind that lights my path
On a long and colourful trail;
The road of my life.

But something went wonderfully wrong
I fallen in love 
The needle pointed to one direction
Her direction no other one.

I dived in head first
I was intoxicated beyond belief
The happiest man in the world
Until one day I woke up in the cold

 I looked for an answer
For my magnetic north
To a firm course
In my wild world

Trying to get my compass to work
I changed continents, crossed oceans and seas
Shut my eyes and imagined other things
But the needle kept pointing to The Special One indeed

Will my compass ever point elsewhere?
Will my heart ever be mend?
One thing for sure
I would have done it once again if I could  

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